(laugh) I joined with Saki(Ooga) and Mariri. Q: Hold a second, you mean you were not good at almost all of the SG activities? I wasn’t into singing much before but it’s enjoyable these days…" Looks small” before, but now I come to think what makes my dance look dynamic. Yunano: "It’s embarrassing to put it myself, though I think my performance has been improved a little in the three years. Q: What have you learned and how have you developed yourself in the 3 years of SG? Thought “Try anything, it’s the last year anyway!” (laugh) I feel like becoming eager to enjoy every single activity in SG." But since I turned 3rd grade, I felt the responsibility to become more reliable as a senior. Something now, it might trouble a Senpai”, or “Maybe I should give way to Senpai now” (laugh). I sometimes wasn’t able to show my character for some hesitation, like “If I say Yunano: "I personally feel I’ve become able to show myself. Also, I hope they have a sense of “Show our own stage” and succeed the Myself hard like this” after joining SG, so I’d like to tell the wonderfulness of SG where you can immerse yourself to them. I could see lots of fukei-san’s smiles and felt “There’s a place where I can really push I became to feel “I’m not alone” thanks to members of SG. But there are something what I wouldn’t handle by myself in a Yunano: "Actually I was not good at group activities and often being alone. Q: Would you give us an example of what you would like to send? But we have onlyĪ little time until graduation while we have many to deliver to kohais, so I’d like to send them as much as possible." I feel like I may stay in SG even after graduation, (laugh) somewhere in my mind. Yunano: "I’m feeling my graduation is coming close, still it hasn’t hit me. Q: H ow do you feel about your upcoming graduation in 2 months? I feel we can show a different side of SG through the performance and I enjoy the singing and dancing, love it." "I think this is the outstandingly coolest song among SG songs. Thinking how I should sing lines for the first performance." That caused…or, maybe not? (laugh) This song came out after that. "I love Minipati so much that I once said in a live “Give us one more Minipati song”. Really pleased to sing the part after an interlude, “Habatake Yumeni Mukatte Massugu”." Actually I take this song has different colors depending on the generation. "We’ve been singing this song from the first generation and it means a lot to SG. Hana’s 3 favorite songs of Sakura Gakuin: Take a lead myself so that I can graduate with a sense of perfect combustion." Hana: "Though we don’t have much time, there are many things we can change and do if we will, I’d like to Members, Mori-Sensei drew my uniqueness on open class events and others to make me become to show myself. (laugh) I could say “I love pro-wrestling” thanks to Mori-Sensei greatly. Q: Don’t you think you become able to show your personality? Airi-chan (Matsui Airi) said “I was surprised Hanapu- became Oraora-kei (pro-wrestler like attitude)”. Since I’veīecome possible to show various expressions I think I could grow on that point." But I think that’s not enough at all now. Hana: "I assumed that mastering the choreography would be good enough when I started. Q: What have you learned and how have you developed yourself in the 4 years of SG? The next generation, like SG’s tradition." Now I feel “I must do!”, I’d like to increase the pace in the two months to come across the things that we should succeed to I came to think “I have no choice but changing myself” this year, since I can’t make a growth as long as I think “someone else would do it”." When 2014 nendo started we had many troubles like all of us couldn’t answer questions from younger members and warn them clearly due to

Realized that those people are necessary after they left. I was told various things severely and felt “Why do they say so much?” on those times. Hana: "The graduates were good at taking a lead. Q: How was the last 10 months in 2014 nendo? Hana: "I don’t have a real feeling at all…I don’t know why but I can’t imagine that, like ”Am I going to graduate?” I’ve seen the graduates every year thinking “ I wouldīe like them someday, but it’s not close.”, but it’s two months left… so fast".